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No. 19 (2023)


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Section: On the 80th anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Testimony of Poale Zion Left activist Pola Elster regarding the situation at the Umschlagplatz and in the transport to Poniatowa in April 1943

Adam Kopciowski

Historian, Ph.D., and professor at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, he serves as the head of the Department of Jewish Culture and History at the Institute of Cultural Studies. He focuses on the recent history of Jews in Poland, particularly issues related to sources created in Yiddish, such as the press and memorial books. Among his notable publications is the monograph 'Wos hert zich in der prowinc? The Jewish Press in the Lublin Region and Its Largest Journal, Lubliner Tugblat' (2015). Additionally, he publishes critical editions of sources and has compiled works like 'Memoirs of War: Lublin, September 1939-January 1943' by Ida Gliksztejn (2017).

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Institute of Cultural Sciences

Dariusz Libionka

historian, professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, employee of the State Museum at Majdanek. Editor-in-chief of the annual "Holocaust. Studies and Materials." He has published, among others, Zagłada Żydów w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie. Zarys problematyki (2017); co-author of the two-volume publication Dalej jest noc. The fate of Jews in selected districts of occupied Poland (2018). His recent scholarly work includes Maryla's Diary. Life and Death in the Warsaw Ghetto (2023).

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 19 (2023), pages: 138-152

Publication date: 2023-12-23


We are publishing a testimony of Pola Elster (1911–1944), one of the leaders of Poale Zion-Left and a co-organizer and member of the Jewish Fighting Organization in the Warsaw Ghetto. The testimony, probably intended by the author as an introduction to her memories from the Poniatowa labor camp, contains harrowing descriptions of the Umchlagplatz and of the transport to the camp. The narrative breaks off when the train arrives in Lublin. The testimony is not dated but was certainly written between the fall of 1943 and the summer of 1944. It was published in 1949 In the original language (Polish) by the Poale Zion biweekly Nasze Słowo. It is preceded by a biography of Pola Elster, as well as a brief description of her legacy.

Źródła archiwalne / Archival sources

Archiwum Beit Lochamej Ha-Getaot (Archiwum Muzeum Bojowników Gett) sygn. 5900, 6524, 29280

Archiwum Yad Vashem

O.3/2036, Relacja Szoszany Kosower

Prasa / Press

„Monitor Polski”, 1920

Publikacje / Publications

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Elster Bela, Pola [w:] Drej. Ondenkbuch; Pola Elster, Hersz Berlinski, Elijahu Erlich, Ringelblun-Institut, Tel Awiw: Ringelblum-Institut, 1966.

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Kartki z notatnika Poli Elster, „Nasze Słowo” 1949, nr 7/8.

Kener Jankew, Pola Elster [w:] Drej. Ondenkbuch; Pola Elster, Hersz Berlinski, Elijahu Erlich, Ringelblum-Institut, Tel Awiw: Ringelblum-Institut, 1966.

Kirszenbojm Sz., Pola, di onfirerin fun „Frajer Szomer” in Warsze [w:] Drej. Ondenkbuch; Pola Elster, Hersz Berlinski, Elijahu Erlich, Tel Awiw: Ringelblum-Institut, 1966.

Libionka Dariusz, Obozy pracy dla Żydów na Lubelszczyźnie i ich likwidacja w optyce struktur Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego [w:] Erntefest 3–4 listopada 1943. Zapomniany epizod Zagłady, red. Wojciech Lenarczyk, Dariusz Libionka, Lublin: Państwowe Muzeum na Majdanku, 2009.

Ojerbach Rochl, Bagegeniszn mit Pola Elster [w:] Drej. Ondenkbuch; Pola Elster, Hersz Berlinski, Elijahu Erlich, Ringelblun-Institut, Tel Awiw: Ringelblum-Institut, 1966.

Rada Pomocy Żydom „Żegota” przy Pełnomocniku Rządu RP na Kraj i Referat Żydowski

„Żegota” Departamentu Spraw Wewnętrznych Delegatury Rządu RP na Kraj. Dokumenty z zasobu Archiwum Akt Nowych 1942–1944, wybór i oprac. Mariusz Olczak, Warszawa: Egros, [2015].

Reszime fun umgekumene chawejrim (farnotirt durch Pola Elster in ir tog-buch [w:] Drej. Ondenkbuch; Pola Elster, Hersz Berlinski, Elijahu Erlich, Ringelblun-Institut, Tel Awiw: Ringelblum-Institut, 1966.

Temkin-Bermanowa Basia, Dziennik z podziemia, wstęp, oprac., przypisy Anka Grupińska, Paweł Szapiro, Warszawa: ŻIH, Twój Styl, 2000.

Turkow Jonas, Pola Elster [w:] Drej. Ondenkbuch; Pola Elster, Hersz Berlinski, Elijahu Erlich, Tel Awiw: Ringelblum-Institut, 1966.

Wasser Hersz, Pola Elster [w:] Drej. Ondenkbuch; Pola Elster, Hersz Berlinski, Elijahu Erlich, Ringelblun-Institut, Tel Awiw: Ringelblum-Institut, 1966.


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Kopciowski, A., & Libionka, D. (2023). Testimony of Poale Zion Left activist Pola Elster regarding the situation at the Umschlagplatz and in the transport to Poniatowa in April 1943. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (19), 138-152.

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                            View No. 19 (2023)

No. 19 (2023)


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Dział: On the 80th anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising